what is seo keywords research? | what is seo?
What is SEO?
SEO stands for search engine optimization it gives you Organic traffic on your website without paying any single penny. In Seo, the most important part is SEO keyword research.
This is part of Digital Marketing. Well in this article we briefly describe to you what is SEO keywords research and software for keyword research.
what is keyword research?
In SEO the keyword research is that what is public on the web are searching for.what they type.and it gives you knowledge that people are searching for these keywords and if you write keyword on your web page that are people searching then everyone can write that keyword and google showing you on them because you write the right keyword and these give you more traffic on your website.
but remember it is not easy. it requires effort and time to rank on google. Is not possible that you write an article today and you do perfect keyword research and other things and you want to rank on google tomorrow it is not possible. it requires time to rank.minimum of 1 or 2 months to rank your blog on google.
Best keyword Research software
well, this is probably up to you they're a lot of software for keyword research.there is one best keyword research software that are you comfortable with.
if you buy a premium tool for you and if you don't know how to decide keywords for seo you cannot get traffic but if you use free keyword research software and you know the strategy and process you can use in keyword research this is the higher chances that you can rank on google and get traffic on your website. so just pick it up any tools you want to start keyword research.
long tail vs short tail keywords
so let's talk about long-tail vs short tail keywords which one is best short tail keyword is that who have maximum 3 words keywords and long-tail keyword is that who have a maximum 5 to 6 words keywords. But which one is best?
A long-tail keyword is much valuable than short-tail keywords because a short tail keyword has more difficulty to rank on google but in the long-tail keywords you can easily rank on google.if you are starting you so make sure you choose a long tail keyword so you can easily rank your website but remember it takes time to rank on google. you need patience and passion to successfully do SEO keywords research.
Some Keywords Research tool
NOTE: There are also other tools as well you can use it. these tools are not recommended that you only use these keyword research tools you can use any tool you like.
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